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datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A > Class Template Reference

#include <kll_sketch.hpp>


class  const_iterator
class  items_deleter

Public Types

using value_type = T
using comparator = C
using allocator_type = A
using vector_u32 = std::vector< uint32_t, typename std::allocator_traits< A >::template rebind_alloc< uint32_t > >
using vector_double = typename quantiles_sorted_view< T, C, A >::vector_double
using quantile_return_type = typename quantiles_sorted_view< T, C, A >::quantile_return_type
using vector_bytes = std::vector< uint8_t, typename std::allocator_traits< A >::template rebind_alloc< uint8_t > >

Public Member Functions

 kll_sketch (uint16_t k=kll_constants::DEFAULT_K, const C &comparator=C(), const A &allocator=A())
 kll_sketch (const kll_sketch &other)
 kll_sketch (kll_sketch &&other) noexcept
kll_sketchoperator= (const kll_sketch &other)
kll_sketchoperator= (kll_sketch &&other)
template<typename TT , typename CC , typename AA >
 kll_sketch (const kll_sketch< TT, CC, AA > &other, const C &comparator=C(), const A &allocator=A())
template<typename FwdT >
void update (FwdT &&item)
template<typename FwdSk >
void merge (FwdSk &&other)
bool is_empty () const
uint16_t get_k () const
uint64_t get_n () const
uint32_t get_num_retained () const
bool is_estimation_mode () const
get_min_item () const
get_max_item () const
get_comparator () const
get_allocator () const
quantile_return_type get_quantile (double rank, bool inclusive=true) const
double get_rank (const T &item, bool inclusive=true) const
vector_double get_PMF (const T *split_points, uint32_t size, bool inclusive=true) const
vector_double get_CDF (const T *split_points, uint32_t size, bool inclusive=true) const
double get_normalized_rank_error (bool pmf) const
template<typename TT = T, typename SerDe = serde<T>, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type = 0>
size_t get_serialized_size_bytes (const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) const
template<typename TT = T, typename SerDe = serde<T>, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type = 0>
size_t get_serialized_size_bytes (const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) const
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
void serialize (std::ostream &os, const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) const
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
vector_bytes serialize (unsigned header_size_bytes=0, const SerDe &sd=SerDe()) const
string< A > to_string (bool print_levels=false, bool print_items=false) const
const_iterator begin () const
const_iterator end () const
quantiles_sorted_view< T, C, A > get_sorted_view () const
template<typename SerDe >
auto serialize (unsigned header_size_bytes, const SerDe &sd) const -> vector_bytes
template<typename SerDe >
kll_sketch< T, C, A > deserialize (std::istream &is, const SerDe &sd, const C &comparator, const A &allocator)
template<typename SerDe >
kll_sketch< T, C, A > deserialize (const void *bytes, size_t size, const SerDe &sd, const C &comparator, const A &allocator)

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename TT = T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type = 0>
static size_t get_max_serialized_size_bytes (uint16_t k, uint64_t n)
template<typename TT = T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type = 0>
static size_t get_max_serialized_size_bytes (uint16_t k, uint64_t n, size_t max_item_size_bytes)
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
static kll_sketch deserialize (std::istream &is, const SerDe &sd=SerDe(), const C &comparator=C(), const A &allocator=A())
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
static kll_sketch deserialize (const void *bytes, size_t size, const SerDe &sd=SerDe(), const C &comparator=C(), const A &allocator=A())
static double get_normalized_rank_error (uint16_t k, bool pmf)

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename C = std::less<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
class datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >

Implementation of a very compact quantiles sketch with lazy compaction scheme and nearly optimal accuracy per retained item. See Optimal Quantile Approximation in Streams.

This is a stochastic streaming sketch that enables near real-time analysis of the approximate distribution of items from a very large stream in a single pass, requiring only that the items are comparable. The analysis is obtained using get_quantile() function or the inverse functions get_rank(), get_PMF() (Probability Mass Function), and get_CDF() (Cumulative Distribution Function).

As of May 2020, this implementation produces serialized sketches which are binary-compatible with the equivalent Java implementation only when template parameter T = float (32-bit single precision values).

Given an input stream of N items, the natural rank of any specific item is defined as its index (1 to N) in inclusive mode or (0 to N-1) in exclusive mode in the hypothetical sorted stream of all N input items.

The normalized rank (rank) of any specific item is defined as its natural rank divided by N. Thus, the normalized rank is between zero and one. In the documentation for this sketch natural rank is never used so any reference to just rank should be interpreted to mean normalized rank.

This sketch is configured with a parameter k, which affects the size of the sketch and its estimation error.

The estimation error is commonly called epsilon (or eps) and is a fraction between zero and one. Larger values of k result in smaller values of epsilon. Epsilon is always with respect to the rank and cannot be applied to the corresponding items.

The relationship between the normalized rank and the corresponding items can be viewed as a two dimensional monotonic plot with the normalized rank on one axis and the corresponding items on the other axis. If the y-axis is specified as the item-axis and the x-axis as the normalized rank, then y = get_quantile(x) is a monotonically increasing function.

The function get_quantile(rank) translates ranks into corresponding quantiles. The functions get_rank(item), get_CDF(...) (Cumulative Distribution Function), and get_PMF(...) (Probability Mass Function) perform the opposite operation and translate items into ranks.

The getPMF(...) function has about 13 to 47% worse rank error (depending on k) than the other queries because the mass of each "bin" of the PMF has "double-sided" error from the upper and lower edges of the bin as a result of a subtraction, as the errors from the two edges can sometimes add.

The default k of 200 yields a "single-sided" epsilon of about 1.33% and a "double-sided" (PMF) epsilon of about 1.65%.

A get_quantile(rank) query has the following guarantees:

A get_rank(item) query has the following guarantees:

A get_PMF() query has the following guarantees:

A get_CDF(...) query has the following guarantees;

From the above, it might seem like we could make some estimates to bound the item returned from a call to get_quantile(). The sketch, however, does not let us derive error bounds or confidences around items. Because errors are independent, we can approximately bracket a value as shown below, but there are no error estimates available. Additionally, the interval may be quite large for certain distributions.

author Kevin Lang author Alexander Saydakov author Lee Rhodes

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ quantile_return_type

template<typename T , typename C = std::less<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
using datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::quantile_return_type = typename quantiles_sorted_view<T, C, A>::quantile_return_type

Quantile return type. This is to return quantiles either by value (for arithmetic types) or by const reference (for all other types)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ kll_sketch() [1/3]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::kll_sketch ( uint16_t  k = kll_constants::DEFAULT_K,
const C &  comparator = C(),
const A &  allocator = A() 


kaffects the size of the sketch and its estimation error
comparatorstrict weak ordering function (see C++ named requirements: Compare)
allocatorused by this sketch to allocate memory

◆ kll_sketch() [2/3]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::kll_sketch ( const kll_sketch< T, C, A > &  other)

Copy constructor

othersketch to be copied

◆ kll_sketch() [3/3]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::kll_sketch ( kll_sketch< T, C, A > &&  other)

Move constructor

othersketch to be moved

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
kll_sketch< T, C, A >::const_iterator datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::begin

Iterator pointing to the first item in the sketch. If the sketch is empty, the returned iterator must not be dereferenced or incremented.

iterator pointing to the first item in the sketch

◆ deserialize() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename C = std::less<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
static kll_sketch datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::deserialize ( const void *  bytes,
size_t  size,
const SerDe &  sd = SerDe(),
const C &  comparator = C(),
const A &  allocator = A() 

This method deserializes a sketch from a given array of bytes.

bytespointer to the array of bytes
sizethe size of the array
sdinstance of a SerDe
comparatorinstance of a Comparator
allocatorinstance of an Allocator
an instance of a sketch

◆ deserialize() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename C = std::less<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
static kll_sketch datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::deserialize ( std::istream &  is,
const SerDe &  sd = SerDe(),
const C &  comparator = C(),
const A &  allocator = A() 

This method deserializes a sketch from a given stream.

isinput stream
sdinstance of a SerDe
comparatorinstance of a Comparator
allocatorinstance of an Allocator
an instance of a sketch

◆ end()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
kll_sketch< T, C, A >::const_iterator datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::end

Iterator pointing to the past-the-end item in the sketch. The past-the-end item is the hypothetical item that would follow the last item. It does not point to any item, and must not be dereferenced or incremented.

iterator pointing to the past-the-end item in the sketch

◆ get_allocator()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
A datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_allocator

Returns an instance of the allocator for this sketch.


◆ get_CDF()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
auto datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_CDF ( const T *  split_points,
uint32_t  size,
bool  inclusive = true 
) const

Returns an approximation to the Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF), which is the cumulative analog of the PMF, of the input stream given a set of split points (items).

The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the get_normalized_rank_error(false) function.

If the sketch is empty this throws std::runtime_error.

split_pointsan array of m unique, monotonically increasing items that divide the input domain into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals.
sizethe number of split points in the array
inclusiveif true the rank of an item includes its own weight, and therefore if the sketch contains items equal to a slit point, then in CDF such items are included into the interval to the left of split point. Otherwise they are included into the interval to the right of split point.
an array of m+1 doubles, which are a consecutive approximation to the CDF of the input stream given the split_points. The value at array position j of the returned CDF array is the sum of the returned values in positions 0 through j of the returned PMF array. This can be viewed as array of ranks of the given split points plus one more value that is always 1.

◆ get_comparator()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
C datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_comparator

Returns an instance of the comparator for this sketch.


◆ get_k()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
uint16_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_k

Returns configured parameter k

parameter k

◆ get_max_item()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
T datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_max_item

Returns the max item of the stream. If the sketch is empty this throws std::runtime_error.

the max item of the stream

◆ get_max_serialized_size_bytes() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
template<typename TT , typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type >
size_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_max_serialized_size_bytes ( uint16_t  k,
uint64_t  n 

Returns upper bound on the serialized size of a sketch given a parameter k and stream length. The resulting size is an overestimate to make sure actual sketches don't exceed it. This method can be used if allocation of storage is necessary beforehand, but it is not optimal. This method is for arithmetic types (integral and floating point)

kparameter that controls size of the sketch and accuracy of estimates
nstream length
upper bound on the serialized size

◆ get_max_serialized_size_bytes() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
template<typename TT , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type >
size_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_max_serialized_size_bytes ( uint16_t  k,
uint64_t  n,
size_t  max_item_size_bytes 

Returns upper bound on the serialized size of a sketch given a parameter k and stream length. The resulting size is an overestimate to make sure actual sketches don't exceed it. This method can be used if allocation of storage is necessary beforehand, but it is not optimal. This method is for all other non-arithmetic types, and it takes a max size of an item as input.

kparameter that controls size of the sketch and accuracy of estimates
nstream length
max_item_size_bytesmaximum size of an item in bytes
upper bound on the serialized size

◆ get_min_item()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
T datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_min_item

Returns the min item of the stream. If the sketch is empty this throws std::runtime_error.

the min item of the stream

◆ get_n()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
uint64_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_n

Returns the length of the input stream.

stream length

◆ get_normalized_rank_error()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
double datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_normalized_rank_error ( bool  pmf) const

Gets the approximate rank error of this sketch normalized as a fraction between zero and one.

pmfif true, returns the "double-sided" normalized rank error for the get_PMF() function. Otherwise, it is the "single-sided" normalized rank error for all the other queries.
if pmf is true, returns the normalized rank error for the get_PMF() function. Otherwise, it is the "single-sided" normalized rank error for all the other queries.

◆ get_num_retained()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
uint32_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_num_retained

Returns the number of retained items (samples) in the sketch.

the number of retained items

◆ get_PMF()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
auto datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_PMF ( const T *  split_points,
uint32_t  size,
bool  inclusive = true 
) const

Returns an approximation to the Probability Mass Function (PMF) of the input stream given a set of split points (items).

The resulting approximations have a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the get_normalized_rank_error(true) function.

If the sketch is empty this throws std::runtime_error.

split_pointsan array of m unique, monotonically increasing items that divide the input domain into m+1 consecutive disjoint intervals (bins).
sizethe number of split points in the array
inclusiveif true the rank of an item includes its own weight, and therefore if the sketch contains items equal to a slit point, then in PMF such items are included into the interval to the left of split point. Otherwise they are included into the interval to the right of split point.
an array of m+1 doubles each of which is an approximation to the fraction of the input stream items (the mass) that fall into one of those intervals.

◆ get_quantile()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
auto datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_quantile ( double  rank,
bool  inclusive = true 
) const

Returns an item from the sketch that is the best approximation to an item from the original stream with the given rank.

If the sketch is empty this throws std::runtime_error.

rankof an item in the hypothetical sorted stream.
inclusiveif true, the given rank is considered inclusive (includes weight of an item)
approximate quantile associated with the given rank

◆ get_rank()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
double datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_rank ( const T &  item,
bool  inclusive = true 
) const

Returns an approximation to the normalized rank of the given item from 0 to 1, inclusive.

The resulting approximation has a probabilistic guarantee that can be obtained from the get_normalized_rank_error(false) function.

If the sketch is empty this throws std::runtime_error.

itemto be ranked.
inclusiveif true the weight of the given item is included into the rank. Otherwise the rank equals the sum of the weights of all items that are less than the given item according to the comparator C.
an approximate rank of the given item

◆ get_serialized_size_bytes() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
template<typename TT , typename SerDe , typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type >
size_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_serialized_size_bytes ( const SerDe &  sd = SerDe()) const

Computes size needed to serialize the current state of the sketch. This version is for fixed-size arithmetic types (integral and floating point).

sdinstance of a SerDe
size in bytes needed to serialize this sketch

◆ get_serialized_size_bytes() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename C = std::less<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename TT = T, typename SerDe = serde<T>, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic< TT >::value, int >::type = 0>
size_t datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_serialized_size_bytes ( const SerDe &  sd = SerDe()) const

Computes size needed to serialize the current state of the sketch. This version is for all other types and can be expensive since every item needs to be looked at.

sdinstance of a SerDe
size in bytes needed to serialize this sketch

◆ get_sorted_view()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
quantiles_sorted_view< T, C, A > datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::get_sorted_view

Gets the sorted view of this sketch

the sorted view of this sketch

◆ is_empty()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
bool datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::is_empty

Returns true if this sketch is empty.

empty flag

◆ is_estimation_mode()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
bool datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::is_estimation_mode

Returns true if this sketch is in estimation mode.

estimation mode flag

◆ merge()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
template<typename FwdSk >
void datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::merge ( FwdSk &&  other)

Merges another sketch into this one.

othersketch to merge into this one

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
kll_sketch< T, C, A > & datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::operator= ( const kll_sketch< T, C, A > &  other)

Copy assignment

othersketch to be copied
reference to this sketch

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
kll_sketch< T, C, A > & datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::operator= ( kll_sketch< T, C, A > &&  other)

Move assignment

othersketch to be moved
reference to this sketch

◆ serialize() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
template<typename SerDe >
void datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::serialize ( std::ostream &  os,
const SerDe &  sd = SerDe() 
) const

This method serializes the sketch into a given stream in a binary form

osoutput stream
sdinstance of a SerDe

◆ serialize() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename C = std::less<T>, typename A = std::allocator<T>>
template<typename SerDe = serde<T>>
vector_bytes datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::serialize ( unsigned  header_size_bytes = 0,
const SerDe &  sd = SerDe() 
) const

This method serializes the sketch as a vector of bytes. An optional header can be reserved in front of the sketch. It is a blank space of a given size. This header is used in Datasketches PostgreSQL extension.

header_size_bytesspace to reserve in front of the sketch
sdinstance of a SerDe
serialized sketch as a vector of bytes

◆ to_string()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
string< A > datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::to_string ( bool  print_levels = false,
bool  print_items = false 
) const

Prints a summary of the sketch.

print_levelsif true include information about levels
print_itemsif true include sketch data

◆ update()

template<typename T , typename C , typename A >
template<typename FwdT >
void datasketches::kll_sketch< T, C, A >::update ( FwdT &&  item)

Updates this sketch with the given data item.

itemfrom a stream of items

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: